Fire and Life Safety

All activities, systems and procedures in this area are designed to ensure that all SL Green properties are secure, safe, and free from hazardous conditions.
In connection with our emphasis on safety, fire drills are conducted twice per annum.
Building Features
  • Sprinklers are a keystone of the fire safety system at 245 Park Avenue.  Since the NYC Code mandates the spacing between sprinkler heads, the system is custom installed to meet tenant’s configuration of space partitioning.  Adjustments can be made as alterations occur in the space.
  • Smoke detectors automatically activate alarms indicating the presence of smoke or fumes.
  • Manual pull stations are located near each stairwell.  When activated, they will send an alarm to the New York City Fire Department and the Fire Command Station in the lobby.
  • Floor Warden phones on each floor provide immediate two-way voice communications with the Fire Command Station.
  • A smoke purge system is activated in the event of fire. It draws smoke and fumes out of stairwells.  These enable tenants to exit the building via stairways, should evacuation be considered necessary or desirable.
  • There are fire stairs serving each building, assuring widely separated evacuation alternatives in the event of fire. They also give firemen safe passage upward to fight the fire.  Each of these fire stairways has battery-powered lighting and photo luminescent signage and stairwell marking.
  • Standpipe systems provide water supply and water pressure for fire fighting.
  • Fire extinguishers are installed in the mechanical/elevator machine rooms and fire hoses are installed in stairwells.
  • An automatic smoke detector elevator recall system automatically brings all elevators serving or affected by a fire area immediately down to the Lobby level.  There they can be operated manually under the direction of the NYC Fire Officer-in-Charge.  This “override” system also prevents an elevator from automatically responding to and bringing its occupants to a fire floor.
  • Public address speakers in various areas of tenant floors, including corridors and stairwells, enable the Fire Command Station in the lobby to communicate with building occupants and emergency personnel.  The speakers will emit an alert tone to convey important information and an emergency (siren) tone to convey information in an emergency.  Once you hear either of these sounds, you should report to the public corridor for further announcements.
  • Fire Safety Team Members for each office are selected by the tenants, so please let us know of any changes. 
Operational Features
  • Each of SL Green Realty Corp.’s properties are staffed by Fire and Life Safety and Emergency Action Plan Director(s) during normal business hours.
  • Obligatory fire drills are scheduled at intervals no less than once every six months.
  • Portable radios carried by SL Green employees serve as supplementary communications equipment.
Public Safety Requirements:
Storage of Flammable and Combustible Materials 

No one should store any flammable, combustible, explosive, corrosive, oxidizing, poisonous, compressed, or otherwise offensive fluid, gas, chemical, substance, or material at such time or place, or in such manner or condition as to unreasonably endanger, or as to be likely to endanger persons or property
Inspection and Maintenance of Tenant Fire Protection Systems 

The New York City Fire Department has issued a directive, dated August 30, 1991, regarding the cleaning, testing, calibration, and maintenance of smoke detector systems.  This directive mandates that all systems be serviced a minimum of twice a year.  The servicing must be performed by a contractor acceptable to the Fire Commissioner as defined in Chapter FI9 of the New York City Administrative Code.  You may use your own certified contractor or you can request an estimate from the Building Management Office at 212-262-1010.  The contractor must complete a detailed report of each inspection.  Please send a copy of the contractor’s work report as proof of compliance with this new regulation to the Building Management Office to 245 Park Avenue.
Office Holiday Trees and Decorations 

New York City Fire Department rules and regulations prohibit the use of live holiday trees or decorations made of natural materials in any public or private areas in the building.
Only non-combustible artificial decorations are permitted and must bear the approval label of a nationally recognized testing laboratory such as Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Factory Mutual Laboratories, or the New York Board of Standards and Appeals.
Disposal of Hazardous Waste Materials

In an effort to protect the environment from contamination and building occupants from injury, we follow the federal and state regulatory requirements, which govern the disposal of hazardous materials.
Some samples of hazardous waste materials are: oils, cleaners, adhesives, rubber cement thinners, cleaners, developers, plate cleaners, duplicating fluids, copy machine toner, epoxy paints, processing chemicals, diesel fuels, fixer, and storage batteries.  This list is not complete, but rather provides a representative listing of chemicals and other products that may be considered hazardous waste and may be generated in the course of conducting your business.
SL Green Realty Corp. is concerned with bulk disposal of hazardous waste materials, which may be generated when you change a procedure, replace new equipment, or clear out a storage area.  Please do not abandon bulk hazardous waste materials in freight elevator service lobbies and other areas of the building.
Improper disposal may be a violation of the law and may cause a potential hazard to others.  Therefore, you are responsible for ensuring that these materials must be disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and city regulations, and should be handled by a licensed hazardous waste disposal contractor.
Portable Heaters
New York City Fire Department rules and regulations prohibit the use of portable space heaters in any public or private areas of the building.
